The Gory Details Horror Show
The Gory Details Horror Show is a one of a kind horror podcast! In this podcast, Erik and Casey discuss some of the best horror films in detail, as well as skits and horror related news. Prepare for the thrills and chills of The Gory Details Horror Show!
29 episodes
"Death Becomes Her"
On this episode of the podcast, Casey discusses one of his favorite horror/dark comedy films of all time--"Death Becomes Her".(Sorry about the crackles on this episode, mic issues)Enjoy, and remember to subscribe...
Episode 39

"Antrum: The Deadliest Film Ever Made"
On this episode, Casey discussed the "Deadliest Film Ever Made", "Antrum."Subscribe TODAY!Song: Casey Edwin - Shinigami
Episode 38

"The Purge" Season 1, "Hazbin Hotel" Pilot and Happy Halloween!
In the thirty-seventh episode of the podcast, Casey discusses Season 1 of the "The Purge" TV show, as well as the pilot for the show "Hazbin Hotel" (available on YouTube). Happy Halloween, folks!Available on iTunes, Spotify...
Episode 37

"A Dark Song" and Dark Rituals
In the thirty-sixth episode of the podcast, Casey and Alex discuss the film "A Dark Song." Enjoy this fun episode! Also available on iTunes,Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Play Music.
Episode 36

"Avengers: Endgame" and "Gotham" Finale!
In the 35th episode of the podcast, join Casey as he discusses Avengers: Endgame and the finale of Gotham! Gotham starts at the 23:18 mark if you haven't seen Endgame yet! Available on iTunes, Google Play...
Episode 35

"Hereditary" and Why You Don't Smoke Weed While Watching Horror Movies
In the thirty-forth episode of the podcast, Casey and Alex discuss the movie "Hereditary." You'll love this one!Also on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music and Stitcher!
Episode 34

"Evil Dead" Remake, and We're Back Finally!
In the thirty-third episode of the podcast, Casey and Alex are finally reunited, and discuss the fantastic and gory remake of The Evil Dead!
Episode 33

"The Void", Cosmic Horror, Deepfakes and Bar Shenanigans
In the thirty-second episode, Casey and Alex discuss the film "The Void," and cosmic horror, as well as crazy bar stories, the legality of pot in Chicago, Deepfakes and more. Also, an amazing track by the band Spiritbox. Get lost in the void wi...

American Massacre, "IT" and Band Drama
In the thirty-first episode of the podcast, Casey is joined by the boys of American Massacre to discuss their upcoming EP and music video, as well as the movie "IT," Casey's movie suggestions and how much lead singers such (except Bobby, of course...
Episode 31

In the thirtieth episode of the podcast, Casey and Alex discuss the film "Teeth," as well as haunted houses, classic horror and stuff with butts. Yes. Butts. Give it a listen and share with your friends! Subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music and ...
Episode 30

"The Crow", "Death Note (Netflix)" and Catnip
In this episode, Casey and Alex discuss the cult classic "The Crow," as well as the Lee family curse, the new "Death Note" on Netflix and how much raccoons love catnip. If you're a fan of "The Crow," this one is for you!

"Last Shift", the Eclipse and Prison
In the twenty-eighth episode of the podcast, Casey and official new host Alex discuss the film "Last Shift," as well as the upcoming eclipse, political violence, prison and other light subject matter! You'll love it! Or your mind was warped by ...

"Drive Thru", Dark Web and the 2016 Clown Epidemic
In the twenty-seventh episode of the podcast, Casey and Alex discuss the film "Drive Thru," along with the clown epidemic of 2016, the dark web, videos that shouldn't be on Facebook and so munch more! This is a great one that you don't want to miss!

"The Babadook," and High School Drama
In the twenty-sixth episode of the podcast, Casey is joined by special guest Alex to discuss the film "The Babadook," as well as music and what the youth of America is up to these days. Make sure to share! Available on iTunes, Google Play and Stit...

In the twenty-fifth episode of the podcast, Casey discusses the amazing film "Logan," its themes and more.

Bobby Whitaker of The Dead Rabbitts and his "Top 5 Horror Films"
In this super special episode of the show, Casey speaks with Bobby Whitaker about The Dead Rabbitts' new album, Bobby's top horror movies, the music industry and more. This is a MUST LISTEN. Enjoy, friends.

"Bone Tomahawk", Cannibals and the West
In the fifteenth episode of the podcast, Casey and Erik discuss the movie "Bone Tomahawk", as well as cannibal movies, western films, different directors and re-casting choices. Also, foul language. Lots of that going on.

Horror Anthologies Feat. Lily from The Darkside
In the fourteenth episode of the podcast, Casey and Erik are reunited and joined by the one and only Lily from The Darkside Facebook page. Together, they discuss horror anthologies like Tales From the Crypt, Twilight Zone and more!

"Near Dark" CROSSOVER Episode w/Justin (Craptacular Review) & Corey (1980s Movie Graveyard)
In the twelfth episode of the podcast, Casey is joined by Justin from The Craptacular Review and Corey from 1980s Movie Graveyard to discuss "Near Dark", as well as horror directors, pro wrestling and more! Check out this bloody good episode!&n...

Trailer Episode (?) Sort of. I don't know...
In the eleventh episode of the podcast, Erik and Casey discuss the trailers for "The Hateful Eight", "The Forest", "The Boy" and "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies". A lot of "The-s". Well, we discuss the trailers... sort of. It kind of goes off ...

"The Guest" and the American Family
In the tenth episode of the podcast, Erik and Casey discuss the soon to be classic "The Guest" as well as American values, the American family, blending genres and what makes an alpha male.

"Attack the Block" and Heroism Feat. Dennis Gessmann
In the ninth episode of the podcast, Casey and guest host Dennis Gessmann discuss the English cult film Attack the Block, heroism, the projects and more!

"Halloween" and "Trick 'R Treat"
In the eighth episode of the podcast, Erik and Casey discuss the classic "Halloween" as well as "Trick 'R Trick" in preparing for the best holiday of the year! Happy Halloween!