The Gory Details Horror Show

"Evil Dead" Remake, and We're Back Finally!

The Gory Details Horror Show Episode 33

In the thirty-third episode of the podcast, Casey and Alex are finally reunited, and discuss the fantastic and gory remake of The Evil Dead!

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Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

welcome back to the gory details show. Holy Shit, it has been a long time

Speaker 3:

since it was our summer break or best excuse.

Speaker 2:

Yep. So we're going to have to launch into this because I know we have waited a long time, but we're actually going a bit of a rot first episode back is going to be short as fuck. Sorry about it. Uh, okay. So for this episode we're going to discuss a evil dead. The remake, not the original. We'll get to that eventually, but recently saw the remake with my buddy Dante. Um, for the second time. It's just, I first saw it when it first came out in like 2013. But how about you? How many times have you seen it now?

Speaker 3:

About four or five.

Speaker 2:

Four or five. So you are very familiar with this. Okay. So as a recap, a spoiler alerts, of course, if you haven't seen it, there was a lot of elements that are similar to the original evil dead. But actually it's kind of funny because some of it's also some references to the sequel as well. There's a lot of references in the movie, right.

Speaker 3:

There's a lot, a ton, a ton of references. That took me awhile to catch onto.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Like the, um, the car in the movie, the original evil dead, the one that Bruce Campbell has, or is it second one? Whichever one it is. Um, I believe that's the car that they're sitting on outside. It's all beat up. Remember that. That's a reference, right? Yeah, I think it is. Yeah. And they got the deer head in the cabin and there's some other. And they brought back the tree rape.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the tree rape was a big part.

Speaker 2:

Man. That was exciting. I was so happy that they brought that back. But there were also some interesting changes when I first saw the movie, I thought that the addiction angle was how do, I guess it kind of annoyed me in the first time I saw it because those, I thought it was like, um, like just like a, a cheap plot point, like a, of

Speaker 3:

a good excuse for them to go onto the Catlin.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. But then like when I watched it the second time, uh, I actually thought it was like a really, it was clever because it, it did give them that excuse of anytime she started acting weird, they could legitimately be like, oh, she's just going through withdrawals, which

Speaker 3:

is. So that's what I was going to point out. Like they literally, it was the most cliche, kind of weird points either at that she was a triadic, but the best excuse to say like, oh, she's only going through withdrawals. Like this is the perfect excuse. We're going to ignore the fact that she's being fucking possessed at this point.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean there's a certain point where withdraws become demon possession. I know they can get pretty nasty and you can hallucinate and freak out. But um, yeah, so the withdraws, not withdrawal, sorry, the, the idea of her going out to the woods to kick it. Um, that's kind of obviously like circling my mind background. We haven't done this in awhile, but that compared to the idea of them going out to party and have fun. That was also a little bit of a little bit of a twist to them, kind of turning the tropes on their head of instead of them going out to party and have a good time through. You're like going out for an actual serious reason even though she doesn't know it at first.

Speaker 3:

Then like it's in the worst place to do. It's like a family like cabin into the has like some, I guess bad memories. I think it is.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I mean they handle a lot of pictures. I don't remember if anything bad happened there. I mean obviously something bad happened there, but how that is interesting. So it's a family cabin, right? So does that mean that the family's never gone out there because like,

Speaker 3:

oh no, they could've at least notice what the hell is in the basement of the cabin. That's around it.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm saying. Like if, if, because there's pictures in the cabin so someone had been late, the family had been there at some point, but there were still. Yeah, like stinky dead cats. So I don't know if maybe no, because they didn't. The people who ended up burning the girl at the beginning of the movie that they didn't look like they were modern times. Right. It looks kind of old timey.

Speaker 3:

I'm guessing that the cabin was already like kind of hot like a hot area before the family moved in and like it's at this point when the withdrawals are kicking and she's getting possessive. That really kicks in because I'm guessing from the withdrawals her as they say soul is weakened because her whole body is like shorting out withdrawals or like taking away from her, which makes the demon possession easier to get into. Which I'm guessing that's what the a career that I kind of wanted us to figure out for ourselves.

Speaker 2:

I was confused though is like so she could smell death because they're all the dead cats downstairs and they could smell it once they started to actually pay attention and when they went downstairs obviously. But if that did, if the first girl got burned down there and it was, it looked like it was like turning century didn't or like older and if it was then that doesn't make sense that it would still smell or if it did still smell, it wouldn't make sense that the family would have vacation there. I never noticed the smell or never explored the basement.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Because they're like, well the day cats look like they are still fresh at that point. When they went to go, like take them all out the basement. Cause then if the cats had been there like before the family moved in and it wouldn't be literally any smell or any bodies on there. But it looks like this whole family had infiltrated before, like after the fact the family like abandoned, like the cabin to the present time where the movie takes place. It seems like they kind of invaded the space and the girl was killed down there as you know, an area where she wouldn't be found.

Speaker 2:

When I'm, I mean the only thing that I think would even make sense is if these people just knew that the cabin was uninhabited because the family wasn't there.

Speaker 3:

That's what I'm thinking too. Maybe they just know that they weren't there and they bought the cabin was abandoned so they're using it like as a place to do like this killing that would never be found in the Dang Spec for somebody to come back.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Yeah. Maybe that's, that makes sense. Uh, I don't know why also they just kind of left the necronomicon behind.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Who would like, that's the most important thing to bring back his neck.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I hate that was the worst part. I mean they took the time to wrap it in barbed wire, but they didn't take the time to bury it or something. Get rid of it. Obviously you can't burn it. But like they didn't even put any thought and maybe like putting some weights on it and come back. Oh, you think?

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Probably made like maybe came back since this place has been like what happens if another thing like this occurs? Let's leave it down there because they didn't clean up any mess neither. So either you cannot remove like any of that sacred space or think bad things will happen. Or is the fact that they were going to come back

Speaker 2:

later on. Even then, I mean like they'd had to know that the family was going to come back at some point and they're just leaving like an evil book downstairs with a bunch of dead cats.

Speaker 3:

The thing of like, lol, fuck you. This is what we did.

Speaker 2:

And we're really talking a lot about this. This is a very random point. So the girl ends up essentially by the end becoming ash. That was mia, right? Played by Jane Levy. Who? I don't. Oh, she was in. Don't breathe. Okay. I was just trying to think of what else she's been since then. Uh, don't breathe. Was it good movies? You see that one? Nope. Oh, that's the one that, um, I think that's the one that they break into his house. I saw, I didn't see it. Okay. Yeah, it was. I liked it. I thought it was good when you're making A.

Speaker 3:

Because didn't sell out of the loop. I just been working my butt off. Okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Well, you know, you gotta pay the bills, right? Right. Dollar dollar bills. But the actress, um, I was um, uh, oh, are the bad habits. I was commenting to Dante about how the actress was actually really good

Speaker 3:

movie. She was very good, like, I don't know about like the actress myself, but just her playing that whole character is seeing. She was better off playing a character and like everyone else is kind of adapting to her in a way. So maybe she was just like the anchor of the movie in a way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Yeah. So, and how she played the possession stuff was like eerie. I obviously it's supposed to be, it's a horror movie, but man, she was really fucking good at it.

Speaker 3:

It's fucking crazy. I was like, I thought like this is like some CGI character that they're like creative, but it's just all her little shit

Speaker 2:

like that. Look, I love the. When she first gets possessed and she's in her bed and her brother goes and sits down next to her, she's got those bulging fucking eyes, you know what I mean? She's like looking at them like, eh. My Bat.

Speaker 3:

I think my favorite possession part was when she was like in the basement, like her head's just hanging out and like a little crack in the floor and she's just like tapping your fingers. That was probably the scariest part of that she had played in the whole movie. Like that whole scene given me knight has given me nightmares ever since.

Speaker 2:

Even beyond the, uh, the licking the blade, Huh?

Speaker 3:

Okay. That only made me want to split my tongue.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah. You know, I've seen people do that. Bisected tongue, bisected penis. I guess that's a thing as a real thing. I've, I've sadly seen videos of that. Someone in college showed me a video of some guy with like a bisected penis, like masturbating and there's jazz playing in the background.

Speaker 3:

Jazz music plays mean.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And then is that, what, is that a thing?

Speaker 3:

There's a meeting for like jazz music stops. But then like you just say jazz music plays, it's a mean for that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I mean this was when I was in college, so this was eight years ago, so I don't know if it's been a meme for that long and I'm a little older, but yeah man, it was a weird video. And then he, like, he came through the whole bisected

Speaker 3:

movie. I can't deal with this.

Speaker 2:

I thought you were in the kinky stuff.

Speaker 3:

That's not kinky. That's pain Olympics type shit. I'm not in that.

Speaker 2:

I Dunno. He wasn't hurting himself at that point. I think like once that happens it heals up and you know, it doesn't hurt anymore. I don't know. Whatever. So yeah. Hey, it was a gross movie too, man. It was so funny though. My, my buddy Dante was, is laughing his dick off the whole time. He was just laughing so hard and just yelling at the TV.

Speaker 3:

It's a scary movie, but it has this like really funny points. Like I find horror kind of funny. So like everything that was supposed to be like cringy scary. Like there's a part where the guy pulls like a needle out of his eye. I'm afraid of needles, but that was fucking hilarious. It's just like slowly pulling up this long. I'm like, oh, that's to fucking hurt because it's funny.

Speaker 2:

That shit was so gross. But um, yeah, it's kind of like the bottom. There we go again. It's Kinda like in the original and especially the sequel. It's always been a little tongue in cheek. The Gores over the top and I feel like in the first one kind of they realized that they were making a bit of a sticky movie and in the sql obviously it was a sticky movie. I also like that there was that reference from like evil dead to army of darkness at the end when she gets the chainsaw hand.

Speaker 3:

Oh my gosh. Yes.

Speaker 2:

That's when you realize that she's asked, oh wait, that's her character. Because the whole time she's the possessed girl in the, you know, in the basement. And then she becomes the hero

Speaker 3:

after they saw him in the devil's bitch. Yeah,

Speaker 2:

man. I was trying to figure it out because I couldn't, with all the blood and Goop, I couldn't figure out goop. Goop is a racial slur

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

the whole. The blood in coop. Yeah, that's what they used to call the Vietnamese during the Vietnam War. It was called Guccis Jesus. Yeah. So there's a lot of blood in goop. I'm sorry, Hashtag sorry. Not Sorry. Um, yeah. So I couldn't tell if the a demon was the same actress or was it okay. Was the different actors because they look similar to a bigger chest. Oh, you noticed that? Huh? Big Old movies. I love also. And when I say love, I mean it kind of annoyed me a so like not literal love. The guy with the glasses who initially some beeman how it took him, like half the fucking movie to tell them what was going on.

Speaker 3:

He's over here reading this random as fuck, like a fucking encyclopedia or something. It's like, oh this is cool. Oh this is some fucked up shit.

Speaker 2:

Well then he like had searched and read that. But I mean, he kept going back to the book and seeing what was happening in real life described in the book and it wasn't until like the fourth or fifth event that he was like, oh, by the way, I summon the demon, that's what's happening because like, it gets to the point where they realize something supernatural is going on, but they're still don't know what's going on. And he's the only one who actually knows what's going on. And he just neglect to say anything

Speaker 3:

because he knows he's the one who fucked up. He knows he fucked up. And at this point, I don't know how many people died before he, like told anybody.

Speaker 2:

Well, the girl, I guess girl, her face, I don't know if that was his girlfriend or some, some girl that he was trying to bang, but she sliced her face and then he smashed her head in. So that was one. Um, then the girl obviously was possessed already. So I mean she's not dead dead, but that's two. And then I think it's somewhere after the main character, the main character, the main guy's girlfriend cuts off her arm. I think that's when he mentioned it,

Speaker 3:

someone like that shit was fucking disgust and takes the Turkey cutter.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I like it. I love like drops, like when she, like turns like when they come up and then she turns around and say, I think she said like, oh, I feel better or something, and it drops to the ground. You're like, oh, that's. And that's the thing too is for the original trilogy was like such over the top, like cartoonish looking gore. And then this one, it was over the top Gore. So you still were like, ha ha, because. But it was like realistic.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

man. Yeah. So the Gore was good. It was, it had its place though. It didn't feel like you've seen cabin fever. Right. Okay. So that was a, an Eli Roth movie. So like green inferno. And what else did he do? He's done a bunch of horror movies. Um, so, well anyway, a cabin in the woods was one of his earlier movies and it was kind of gross, but it was also kind of slap sticky. And then they did a cat. A cat. Sorry, a cabin fever. Not Cabin cabin fever and then they did a cabin fever remake and that movie was just like Gore Porn, like Gore for the sake of Gore. Instead of furthering the plot gore, it was just really uncomfortable to watch and I feel like the evil dead remake had a similar level of Gore, but the tone was different. Like it felt like the Gore was part of the scare and part of the fun of the movie. Like it was over the top in a way that was like engaging instead of just being sadistic, you know, like seeing the girl like, or uh, yeah, the girl like covered in nails with a missing arm. You're like, okay, that's over the top. But it's like fun over the top. It's not just like disturbing over the top, you know? I mean there's like a fine line between a, like torture porn movies and horror movies with a lot gore. And this fell on the side of just horror movies with Gore. Just just

Speaker 3:

kind of. Lisa has a purpose of the Gore, like in a way like maybe they were like China put satire, like the Comedy Gore that was in the original and like, Hey, we have better visual effects, let's make it more comical, but you know, make it look super realistic so people don't know how to feel.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I mean like when she pukes blood on her friend, it's, you know, it's that big old. It's over the top.

Speaker 3:

Every demon possession movie has some fucking chick or guy throwing up on somebody.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, throwing up as gross people shouldn't do that. Avoid vomiting unless you're fucking binge drinking. Yeah. Well that's your fault.

Speaker 3:

No, sometimes it's cool because when you tug, do the beard chug and there's so much like carbonation of foam that you just got a Barf, like as seeing a guy on facebook tagging like a beard that he did like that. He's just mauling as law and he's just like throwing up as silos. Mosaic.

Speaker 2:

No, no, that's disgusting. Okay. Well anyway, so they were in discussions of doing a sequel to the remake and apparently it got pushed back and it got pushed back and people weren't sure if they were going to do it and I guess the director put out a tweet earlier this year that he was saying, you know, what movies should I do next? And the first option was, I don't know if he did a god, so he either did the don't speak movie or a the quiet place movie. It's something with a quiet and it, you know what I mean? I forgot which one it was, but he's like the secret of this one, uh, the sequel to the evil dead remake or stop making movies.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

But the one that won the pole was the evil dead remake sequel. That's a mouthful. So there is still the hope of the sql being alive, which I think would be interesting because now she's got chainsaw hand, little experience under her belt. I wonder if they're going to follow in the footsteps of the original and just do like a sequel reboot like they did in their original. Because like I think people forget that the sequel is kind of like a soft reboot sequel,

Speaker 3:

but then again, you know, it's moderate. It's like based in modern times. So it's like, oh, I'm gonna figure out that these people are missing and they're going to investigate because everybody knows where they went.

Speaker 2:

[inaudible] well I'm sure. I'm sure she'll tell people

Speaker 3:

know, send it to a psych ward.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know. Yeah, yeah. Maybe they'll just say that. She was like, you know, the drug withdrawal drove her crazy and then she, maybe she get the insanity plea. I know. But point being if they make a sequel, it'd be funny if they just jumped to the third one in just through an army of darkness through her medieval times with jeans on hand

Speaker 3:

remake to explain the raining blood

Speaker 2:

right at the end of the movie.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Like does it ever disappear? Does it just stay?

Speaker 2:

I think it was just blood everywhere.

Speaker 3:

So does like as an interest, that general area, is it everywhere?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I don't know because it was like, I think it was localized because someone's going to notice that shit. I don't like a distance. Well, I mean there are apparently in a very remote area because they drive out quite awhile before they find the washed out bridge. So it seems like it's on a very, very remote patch of land. But who knows, man, I don't know. They didn't really get into it after the movie. So I mean that's most movies you wonder like how things are wrapped up afterwards, like they have, um, what was, there was like a, I think a youtube video or something where it was like a Romcom or something and it was like the end of the Romcom movie and then it kept going and it showed like what happened afterwards.

Speaker 3:

Have you seen that? No, I heard of it.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Yeah. So it's like the guy shows up and she's about to leave on a plane, I think to like go to a place to get a new job. And he liked confesses that he loves her and they walk off the plane and everybody's clapping and then it shows them like going out and getting a taxi and they're like riding back. And she's like, Oh shit, what am I going to do for work? Start spiraling. Like that was very impulsive. Starts going in that direction. Yeah. It's funny man. But like, yeah, I guess the same thing. Who knows man, someone's going to have to clean up all that blood I guess. And all the bodies.

Speaker 3:

What kills me is that they're scared of a woman that's just crawling on the ground, like for good, for the portion that she was. Even in the movie, the Devil's bit. She's just mostly dragging her ass everywhere. I'm like, I would have just stood up and stomped her head in at one point.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. What? I mean my was, was she walking?

Speaker 3:

I have no idea. No, she was walking near the end because you know, the girl mia in the beginning, like you couldn't just like, as soon as you saw her getting off the ground, you know, not the girl's hair like, oh hell. And they'll get back down there. She just dug yourself out of hell. Give her some room, man. I mean like, just to recover. There's a different work. There's a difference between people here. There's the people that will stop it as soon as it happened. And the people who will just watch and see what happens.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So you're saying she should have kept,

Speaker 3:

was coming. They knew she was coming because after the last death and they even announced it, but even knew like, okay, if this next one more person dies, this bitch is gonna come out of

Speaker 2:

where she was coming because the nea got brought back to life. So I think that they thought that that stopped the cycle.

Speaker 3:

But then they saw the blood rain, which was the sign that

Speaker 2:

mia did. Everyone was just dead at that point. Oh, oh yeah, that's right. Yeah. So she was by herself.

Speaker 3:

So it's like you, like, she saw it happening. She kind of figured out like, okay you rotate. And luckily the last depth. So

Speaker 2:

yeah. And that was, I was, I also, that was another, like when the brother buried her and put the bag over her head, that was like the original, remember put that bag in the head. But I think it was history, the capitated or I think the original. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But the whole bearing and then bringing her back and then creating like a makeshift defibrillator, which uh, that's not really how it defibrillators work anyway. Apparently if I understand correctly, like a movie misconception, is that like defibrillators, like restart your heart and if I remember correctly, it actually just like regulates irregular heartbeats. So like if your heart's already stopped and I don't think it actually brings you back

Speaker 3:

some cases, there is some cases you could bring somebody started feedback as long as like the brain doesn't stop working in a certain period of time. Like you have like at least a minute or two.

Speaker 2:

Oh No, no, no. I'm not saying that you can't bring somebody back once they die. I'm saying the defibrillator itself, you can use that term because I've heard of them just using an adrenaline shot.

Speaker 3:

No, February two. There's been a couple of classic cases where you can do that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay. Because I know that like the um, what the basis or whatever, whoever from Motley crue, like he died and the ambulance and they like the guy who was like a fan and he was like, this guy's not going to die. And he took like adrenaline. I think that's where the song kickstart my heart came from, but yeah. So he used adrenaline now.

Speaker 3:

Well you need the adrenaline and then you need to February to start the pump. So you need, you need the defibrillators to start the pump and the beat, you know, because once you insert the adrenaline it can go anywhere in the bloodstream because you know, there's no blood flowing through their veins. So you need the February to actually start the heart to pump something through so it gets through to you.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Alright. That makes sense. I think I'll go with it. I'm not a fucking, I'm not a doctor. I think we all know that. So. Okay. So what else? Anything else about the movie particularly that you liked or didn't like or.

Speaker 3:

All right. When we say this, once again, this needle shit to me all the way off, like the pulling out the Nila, I was hilarious, but I am deathly afraid of needles. I cannot watch a video or somebody sticks needle of somebody, but just stabbing him with it, like threw me over the edge and that little comic relief of him pulling out of his eye was so cringey that's like, I hate needles but this is pretty fucking funny because it's like right under his eye. But like still going through his eyeball. It like she got like threw his glasses. I think so I think that was one of my favorite memorable moments. That

Speaker 2:

credit man, he took a lot of damage in that moment.

Speaker 3:

He took a line, like didn't like people think he was dead and he just comes back.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Because, um, she was drowning her brother and the glasses do like hit her with something and then died. But yeah, he, I think maybe because he felt responsible. He just had to kind of stick around and see it through. I don't know. But when he came back from the dead and at the end and got the brother,

Speaker 3:

they have a pet in this movie.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Poor dog.

Speaker 3:

Okay. So let's say like, I almost died in horror movies a lot. Specially like,

Speaker 2:

that's exactly what Dante said. He's like, oh, the animal's going to die.

Speaker 3:

Exactly. First of the animals, they're dead. That's all so bad. When they killed

Speaker 2:

dogs for dogs. I like dogs obviously. Did you, um, you said you didn't get to wait one really quick. Is there anything else on evil dead?

Speaker 3:

No, but one more thing. Do you want to learn how to summon the devil's bit? This is the best movie to do that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, well yeah. Then it's got the necronomicon, which, uh, was a creation of HP lovecraft and it was, I still think the best version ever is the evil dead series. But yeah. So that was a really good movie. It's a good to remake a if there's enough homage to the original that it doesn't spit on the original. I know that people get weird about like remakes and all that. But uh, I would say a mia as the character or the, I think I already pulled down the imdv but the actress Jane Levy, there we go. Her, her performance was good enough to basically carry the entire movie, especially once she becomes possessed. So I would definitely highly encourage, if you've already gone through the spoilers and you haven't seen it, I would highly encourage seeing it also really quick. Um, did you, are you a fan of the band mushroom head? No. Oh, well they did a song, I think it's called we are the truth and the music video is also like an homage to evil dead and it's like they fit like the entire fucking movie into a music video and they did such a good job. If you could get a chance. Anybody out there check out the mushroom head music video, you know, I don't know how they are with responding on social media. I should probably reach out and see if I can use that song. Maybe on the next podcast I'd be kind of goal. Yeah. Yeah. They, um, they, they're on tour right now actually. They're going to be in Chicago next month I think. Yeah. So they're on tour right now. Um, I know that they just replaced Jeffery. Nothing. One of their singers, they're always have different bandmates and, and out. And now

Speaker 3:

every band does nowadays. Nobody sticks around.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So they, they, they have like three different vocalists that they've had in and out sometimes. At one point they had all three vocalists at the same time. It was, it's weird. Anyway, so evil dead remake gray movie also. We'll probably have to do it at some point on the show, but hereditary, if you get a chance to see that, uh, I would say I'm going to put that in my top five all time. Horror films.

Speaker 3:

You're going to be mad at me. Why? I just thought it like the other day. The new one.

Speaker 2:

Oh, is it remake? Didn't we discuss it on the podcast we ever going to? Oh, maybe I'd like because I know we discussed something about

Speaker 3:

and we talked about the original, I think.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay. It's been awhile. So you just saw the remake.

Speaker 3:

He didn't like it. He, he, I was completely terrified actually. Now I'm afraid of clowns. Thanks so much. Thank you so much. I hate everybody. Fucking good.

Speaker 2:

The, the, the lead actress and that's really good. I know I discussed now movie with somebody. Maybe me. Maybe I had a guest on or something guest on a me. I think that was during the um, the American massacre episode when, when Bobby and the band right here,

Speaker 3:

we discussed it. Okay. You guys did okay. You weren't here for that, right? No.

Speaker 2:

Oh, he never got to meet Bobby. You can meet him. He's, I know, I'm just.

Speaker 3:

Hey Bobby, run through one day. Run. Run through. Run through. I don't know how someone like podcasts,

Speaker 2:

what is run through that sounds like a sexual thing, but hey bobby, you want to run through one day? That's um, that's a weird thing, but yeah. Then yeah. Did you want to meet him? Because a, he was in dead rabbit.

Speaker 3:

Serious. Also, I'm going to meet up Craig suing for when he goes to Chicago. Oh, probably through Danny, right? Yep. And then also another person I know named Sam.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay. But yeah, I mean, bobby's a regular dude, you can meet them very easily. Uh, all right, so then, I know this is a very short episode, but thank you guys for tuning back in. We're gonna try to not waiting months between episodes

Speaker 3:

and let's see if we get all our fans back from their random town. I forgot what the name of the town was. Menlo Park, California.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Let's see if we get any her after this. Huge delay. Well, thank you guys for tuning in and checking out the episode. We appreciate you and we will be back in less amount of time. So have a good one buddy.